Brigstowe Summer Newsletter

Brigstowe Summer Newsletter
Type of post: Community Notice
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dave Johnson
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 22 Jul 2022
We hope you are all enjoying the sunshine!
In our Summer newsletter we welcome 4 new Trustees to the Brigstowe Team (including former Sing Out Bristol co-chair, Mark Hubbard), we celebrate our involvement at Bristol Pride and we say farewell to a few amazing colleagues.
Stay safe, stay positive and let’s all work together for one fabulous Summer.

Team Brigstowe. x
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Donate to our Work
Please consider becoming a Friend of Brigstowe by donating a regular monthly gift. Regular donations help us to make long term improvements to the lives of people living with HIV.

"Stigma is still there in the bucket loads. It's not something that is easy to live with. I lost my job and lived in my car for 3 years. I was pulled back from the edge by the people at Brigstowe. If it wasn't for Brigstowe, I'd be dead"
Kevin, Brigstowe Client
Just £10 a month (the price of one takeaway coffee a week) could be used to provide transport costs to a destitute client to access clinic and community services