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We'd love to add your photos, videos and audio recordings to our archive

If you have a stash of old images and videos from Sing Out Bristol events on your phone, computer or social media accounts, why not share them with us, so we can add them to the choir archive!  Just click the link below and upload your photos, vids or mp3s and we'll do the rest.  If you can, label the files so we know which event and year they are taken from. If you're not sure, don't worry; we may be able to work it out.

*By uploading your files, you are giving us permission to share the files publicly through our social media, website and newsletter platforms.


Fancy Writing Your Own Magazine Article?

We're always on the lookout for articles we can publish in our quarterly magazine, Tune-In.  If you would like to write an article to be considered for publishing, here are a few suggestions and guidelines.
  • You could write about your own experiences of joining choir and coming to your first rehearsal. Maybe you were a little apprehensive, not sang in front of anyone before, or maybe you were just hoping to meet new friends.  Tell us how it was for you.
  • You could also tell us about your first performance with the choir.  Again, nerves may have played a big part, but how was it stepping out on to a stage with your fellow choir members in front of hundreds of people. We'd love to hear all about it
  • If you've been in the choir a long time, tell us about your favourite performance(s) or other memorable experiences with the choir. Maybe it was that huge audience at Pride that gave you goosebumps, or it could even be a social event where you shared some fun times with fellow choir members.
  • If you're not a choir member, why not tell us about the first time you saw us perform, or your favourite songs/performaces from our repertoire
There's no specific limit on the length of articles. They can be as short or long as you want them to be.  Try to keep them on topic and not rambling in nature. It's a good idea to map out what you want to say before you start writing.  So think about the main points you want to get across and list them in bullet point format.  Then all you need to do is expand on them.  Don't worry about spelling or grammar, we will correct any mistakes or typos, before publishing.  If you have a few photos to go with your article that would be even better, but please only include good quality images or videos.

When you're done, send your articles and any images to or upload using the tool above.