Parliamentary Petition: Conversion Therapy

Parliamentary Petition: Conversion Therapy
Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Dave Johnson
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 14 Apr 2022

Please consider signing the parliamentary petition to 

Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban

It's shameful that the UK intends to deliberately exclude trans people from a ban in contrast to the approach taken by many countries, despite trans people being at a greater risk of experiencing the harmful & degrading practices.

The government's own figures show that trans people are nearly twice as likely to be at risk of experiencing the harmful & degrading practices of conversion therapy. A ban needs to ensure all forms of conversion therapy are banned.

If you are unaware of the original issue you can read more here- Conversion therapy: Ban to go ahead but not cover trans people - BBC News